Training a dog is hard work, we all know that. More often than not we are tired, distracted and just want to watch TV or read instead. That doesn’t mean, however, we can’t train our dog at the same time!
My favourite “lazy day” training routine is the stay command. I put Rocco in a designated place, in this case on a large FedEx box,but it can be a small area rug or even a space marked by a piece of string (it makes it easier for the dog and you to see if they are performing the command correctly), and I tell him to sit-stay or down-stay.
I didn’t realize this, until our trainer pointed it out, that this command requires our dog’s brain to actively focus on “staying”. The dog is performing a job. To make the exercise even more challenging, you can ask your dog to hold something while he’s waiting (easier said than done – we’re still working on that one!). You want your dog to be able to stay even when you leave the room. A strategically placed mirror may come in handy to quickly correct your dog when he tries to break the stay.
If Rocco performs the task correctly I release him after about 20min, reward him and play tug or fetch for a couple of minutes.

What a good boy! And what a good and patient trainer you are! I had Siberians many years ago and I know that they aren’t easy to train – too smart, too independent. Kudos!
Thank you, Deena! It’s certainly been a challenge. Like you say, they are very smart and like to think for themselves.
This is a hard command for Delilah. I can get her into a down, but usually once I leave her sight, she gets up to find me. Even if I am in the same room just out of her sight, she will get up.
We practice a lot though, so I hope some day she gets it! I can’t ever imagine her holding a position for 20 minutes, good job!!
It’s a tough one, that’s for sure! For the “out of sight” stay, I usually hide around the corner and use a mirror and when I see he wants to get up, I come in the room and tell him to stay. Now he thinks I can see him even when I’m gone LOL