Recently Miss Lily developed itchy and flaky skin; we researched it and realized it was an allergic reaction to the soap deposit in her bedding. Best way to get rid of the deposit (without using softener which often causes skin irritation as well) is to add a bit of vinegar to the rinse water. It definitely helped, but her skin was still dry. I research it further and found an easy solution to the problem: adding a few drops of olive oil to her bath water.
Bathing hedgies is not always easy as they are not too fond of the idea. I usually pour warm water into the sink and add gentle puppy shampoo to it, then in goes Miss Lily. I let her walk around in the water and use a soft toothbrush for her quills. It is normal for a hedgehog to pooh in the water, so I usually have to rinse her a few times. When I’m done with rinsing, I fill the sink again with warm water and add a few drops of olive oil. I let her walk around in the water agin and pour water over her back. After the bath make sure to wrap you hedgie in towels and keep them in a warm place, so they don’t catch a cold. And what-do-ya-know, it worked!
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