Officer Rocco would like to wish everyone a safe All Hallow’s Eve. Remember to keep your pets inside and don’t share the sweets!
Officer Rocco would like to wish everyone a safe All Hallow’s Eve. Remember to keep your pets inside and don’t share the sweets!
Love the costume…er, uniform!!! Sharing your blog link on our FiveSibes Facebook page! Happy Howloween!!! Wooo-booooo!
Happy Halloween, Rocco!!
Thanks for the tips Officer Rocco 🙂
Will do officer Rocco. Bawahwahhwha xxooxx
Mollie and Alfie
Happy Halloween to you and yours, Rocco!!!!!
Love the costume!
Loving the look Rocco! Hope you had a great halloween!
Such an adorable costume!!
Pirate Rocco is so adorable!!!